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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

3 Fat Loss Tricks to Accelerate Weight Loss

Are you searching for some ways that you can further increase your weight loss and decrease your chances when it comes to losing weight? You should definitely start today as there are specific things that you can do to start losing weight today!

#3 - Drink Plenty of Water Between and After Meals

Believe it or not, drinking plenty of water has more than just health benefits - it definitely has weight loss benefits. After all - humans were made to depend on Earth - our body is overwhelmingly water as far as percentage and so is the Earth!

So why not depend on Water to lose weight, it only makes sense when you think about it. The reason why water helps lose weight is that you can stimulate your metabolism. You want to drink after you eat so that digest all poorly digested food efficiently. You can even get rid of those esophagus enzymes.

#2 - Men Eat 6 times a Day - Women Eat 5 Times a Day

When many people hear this, they think - "Oh No! That's too many times to eat!" Believe it or not, it can help you lose weight. Now if you think about it - it's the foods we eat that are bad, not the frequency of how we eat. I guarantee if you ate fruits and vegetables 19 times a day while another person ate Double fried grease patties 3 times a day - the second person would have more health issues. (even though 19 meals of bananas a day will make you eating contest eligible) - it's just how it works.

You want to eat "fat burning foods" and healthy foods, small portions of foods throughout the day. You do not have to make yourself stuffed after every meal - just make sure your satisfied!

#1 - Work Out in the Morning

If you work out in the morning - on an empty stomach, it may seem hard, but once you put some food in your stomach - you'll digest it quickly. You want to work out in the morning on an empty stomach because it can increase weight loss by 300%.

You definitely want to eat right after you work out, a healthy breakfast so that you can regain your energy - you'll be burnt out throughout the day if you work out, and do not do anything else!

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