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Monday, October 14, 2013

3 Ways You Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

Change your attitudes about these three things and you can jump start your weight loss. The great thing is they really won't take much effort on your part.

1.You need to eat breakfast. Skipping breakfast is a huge mistake. If you have slept the recommended six to eight hours and then you get up and rush off to work. The message your body is getting is - store fat. Food is scarce. Unfortunately for you your body is very efficient at storing fat and generally reluctant to burn it as energy. Don't trap yourself in this cycle when a quick bowl of whole grain cereal or instant oat meal can start your day off strong. A bonus is having a healthy breakfast makes it easier to pass on that sprinkle coated donut lurking in the break room.

2.There is a good reason that many nutritionists recommend eating six times a day. Picture your body as a furnace. If you toss one big log on the fire you will have a lot of heat for a very short time. However if you feed the furnace small pieces you can have heat all day. Another reason this is so important is it prevents the roller coaster of low blood sugar and spiking blood sugar. If you allow this to happen your body will produce the hormone cortisol. If you want a spare tire around your belly this is a good thing otherwise avoid it at all costs.

3.Don't reach for a diet soft drink and think you are doing your body a big favor. There is growing evidence that diet drinks can add to your waist line nearly as much as the sugar based soda. Drink water, drink lots of water. Your body needs it. It has been estimated that that over 50% of the population is chronically dehydrated. Even being slightly dehydrated can cause fatigue and poor mental performance. Next time you are feeling tired or need an unscheduled snack try having a glass of water first. It will help control hunger and provide you with an energy boost.

Eat Breakfast

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