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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Fat Burning Weight Loss Tips and Tricks for Women or Are They?

Changing your lifestyle is the first tip. Start to exercise and also change your diet. If you can do more exercise or even do more physical work to balance out what you eat then you should be okay.

Below I shall list a few tips that you may or may not know.

1. Eat smaller meals often that will keep your metabolism on a constantly working mode.

2. Stop eating junk food, start eating more fresh fruit and vegetables.

3. Drink more water at least 8 glasses a day, no more fizzy drinks.

4. Start to eat breakfast in the morning and that should be bowl of cereal, piece of fruit.

5. Morning tea, some nuts and a piece of fruit.

6. If you are going to an appointment park your car further away so you need to walk a distance.

7. No coffee

8. Start to drink green tea.

9. Start using a small plate for your meals if still hungry then, yes, fruit yet again.

10. Exercise with a positive motivated person who wants to lose weight as well.

11. Don't skip meals.

I could go on and on but I think you get the picture. The only real tip I can give you is to do more physical work in comparison to what you put in your mouth. If you look at it logically you stop eating chips, lollies, chocolates (I love this stuff too!) and replace it with fresh fruit, nuts (yuck!) etc. I am only kidding with that word in brackets.

A healthy body means you will live longer to enjoy your family and everything that you have worked hard for, so get off that couch and go clean out your cupboard of all that junk food and replace it with cereals and all that lovely healthy food.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Exercises Women

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